MV3D Development Blog

March 20, 2008

Out there.

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 1:33 am

beat me to it, but check out MV3D’s website (or this url if your DNS server is slow).

I spent the last few days getting Trac upgraded and installing a bunch of plugins. I also did some CSS customizing. Then I installed phpBB and decided not to bring over the old message board content. It’s all really out of date at this point, so better to start anew. And ergh, now I have to go and mess with the phpBB templates to make it match the rest of the site. Not looking forward to that (I spent way too much time on the Trac CSS).

Anyway, it’s official, MV3D Open Source Release, version 0.30. Get it while it’s hot. Or something.

March 16, 2008

Final preparations…

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 11:12 pm

I’m just about ready for the first open source MV3D release. I have a few decisions to make about the website, then I think it would be helpful to have up to date documentation that at least gets people started with the server and client.

There’s still one bug ticket left for the release, but I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue, so I’ll probably make the release without fixing it. That’s not to say that there aren’t any other bugs. I’m sure there are tons! And to repeat myself, there’s not even the remotest hint of a game here. This is just the simulation framework.

While I was doing some testing this weekend, I had up to 900 terrain chunks and 2000 cubes going. One terrain chunk is 1000×1000 meters(ish). Suffice it to say, I didn’t bother walking from one side to the other since it would have taken me too long. Performance is pretty good. Building terrains on the client side slows things down a bit. I’m debating between using libnoise or using a cooperator to spread out the work a bit. By the way, with 900 terrain chunks, the server was clocking in at just under 1gb of RAM use on Windows.

One of the great improvements in the last couple of weeks is that objects on the client wake up immediately as soon as they need to now. Before, they wouldn’t wake up until the next time the server considered them (which with 900 terrain objects and 2000 cubes could be a while since it only thinks about maybe 20 non-active items per second).

I did have to track down an annoying invalid pointer reference today. Something in Ogre was storing a regular pointer instead of a smart pointer to a mesh, so when the mesh was destroyed, that pointer was invalid.

I’m still debating about pointing to And I just realized I still need to open some ports to allow the login server to be reachable outside my firewall.

That’s all for now. Hopefully a release will happen this week!

March 1, 2008

Darn you VMWare

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 11:00 pm

So, I’ve been tracking down a “bug” in MV3D where the PC’s movement on the client is at a completely different speed than on the server. I’ve seen the bug for quite some time now, and it makes moving around in game relatively hard and annoying. I just ran a test that printed something every time the physics was calculated. It should have happened 20x per second. According to the logfile (which records the seconds in addition to my printout), it was run 20x per second. Unfortunately, 1 second on the virtual machine it was running on lasted about 10 real seconds. No wonder it was screwed up.

Now, I’ve done a lot of work with VMWare and bitch-slapping its time keeping abilities into submission, but I’ve never seen it quite this bad. It seems I just may not be able to run a MV3D simulation server on a virtual machine. It could also be that VMWare doesn’t like my CPU very much as time sync issues come up a lot with it and dual core CPUs. Anyway, not a big deal. I don’t have to run the server on a vm. Just what’s annoying is that I lost a day or so of time to fixing the “bug”.

However, in trying to track it down, I did fix the problem with the sim server eating up all the CPU time. So, I guess it wasn’t totally unproductive.

February 28, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 1:14 am

Things that I’m unhappy about leaving out from the first open source MV3D release:

  • Trees and Grass. They got lost in a refactor (since they were a hack) and were never reimplemented correctly.
  • The in game editor. It’s dead Jim, kick it if you don’t believe me. Implementation sucks anyway.
  • More stable data storage. Not that I’ve had any problems with it, but showed me the light (as usual).
  • A Linuxy easy install
  • Load balancing. Borked a while ago with some change and never updated.
  • All your CPU are belong to simulation service. It uses as much CPU time as possible currently when it should probably calm down a bit if nothing is going on. Easy fix, but next release.

Things I need to get ready before said release:

  • Need to set up one of the MV3D server boxes as an account/directory/asset server.
  • Need to QA / fix bugs.
  • Need to settle the license issue (which to use).
  • Need to do some load testing

Things I’m happy with about the release:

  • The authentication. Is very nice.
  • Stability(*).

    >>> print float(s.Uptime())/60/60/24, "days"
    206.242458476 days

  • The code cleanup. Modules make way more sense now, and everything is Twisted coding style.
  • That the foundation / framework should now be in a stable state and ready to build more complex things on top of.
  • Modularity / flexibility. I’m loving the new service setup.
  • The JSON RPC over HTTP. Is pretty cool.
  • Errors! Well, error messages. Don’t know what I was thinking before (mostly it was a lack of understanding on how to properly handle errors in Twisted), but errors used to get silently ignored more often than not.

Things I hope to have in the next release:

  • A shorter dev cycle.. 1+ years is too long between releases.
  • More unit tests.
  • Better logging.
  • Eye candy.
  • Working character generator.
  • No more need for Ogre’s “Media” folder
  • A persistent world. It’s possible now, but with no world editing tools, it is rather limited.
  • More web interfaces. Got one on the account service now which is very basic, but really nifty.

Things my cat just licked:

  • My printer
  • My scanner
  • My desk
  • The DVD I was printing (sorry Cheryll)
  • The paper label I was also printing
  • The trash bag in my trash basket
  • My monitor
  • My laptop
  • The VHS tape I transferred to DVD (sorry again Cheryll)
  • The floor
  • My other cat
  • Himself
  • The feather cat toy he just dragged in that is 2.5x his length

His favorite of the five senses is taste apparently. And I think he’s giving me a hint with the toy, so better wrap this up.

(*) I’ll be very sad in a few days when I shut down that MV3D server process to upgrade it.

February 18, 2008

Module layout

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 8:24 pm

So, one of my upcoming tickets that I’ve been forced to think about is moving around the package layout of MV3D so that it makes more sense. The current layout is not very pythonic, there’s a lot of modules named the same as the classes they contain, lots of implementation in __init__ files, etc. Here’s my first whack at reorganizing it:

event stuff

Any comments or suggestions are welcome. I wish I could avoid the 4 level imports (mv3d.client.service.sim) and also something better than “from mv3d.server.model.realm import Realm” would be good, but I can’t think of anything. The area/realm/object files are large enough that they should exist on their own. Some things still need a better name (especially ClassGenerator, which really just needs to die).

One thought I had was to move client/service/* and server/service/* up one level.

February 17, 2008

Authentication: Done

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 4:37 pm

I just finished up the new authentication code for MV3D. I’m very happy with it. It works similarly to my last post, more or less. A client establishes two way trust with a login server, the login server creates two random passwords and a unique identifier. The client logs in to the desired server using its username, unique id, and the first password. That server establishes a two way trust with a login server and retrieves the random passwords for that user/unique id combo. It validates the client’s password. The client can initiate a challenge response in order to verify that the server knows the second password. Thus, a two way trust is set up between the client and the server without the server knowing the client’s real password.

One cool thing is that I added a permission to Accounts using MV3D’s security system to grant or deny a server’s account from authenticating the target account. So, it would be possible to let someone host a server that certain accounts could log in to. The specific accounts would be controlled by whoever is running the Account server / login server (i.e. me).

The only thing I can think to add here would be to give each server a unique id (probably using SSL certs or ssh keys). That way, a client can have a list of key fingerprints from trusted servers like SSH does. This would fend off the case of an attacker who gained the login credentials of a server making their own server.

What’s next on the agenda? Mostly code cleanup. In fact, the authentication tickets were the last tickets for new features in this release. I’d like to release most, if not all of the code when I do this release as well. However, other than code cleanup, there’s some infrastructure tasks I need to do before releasing the code. Then after that, testing. There’s currently a few unit tests that fail which will have to be fixed, I’m also going to want to do some load testing of the login and account services. Basically, my plan is to run the official MV3D account server, so I’d like to make sure it’ll function well with say.. 100x the anticipated load. I don’t anticipate much load, but I would rather be able to handle the very slight chance that MV3D generates a lot of interest.

By the way, just to start setting expectations now. Don’t expect to be blown away by the open source release. I’ve completely concentrated on the foundation of MV3D. It’s just been me working on it, and there is definitely no amount of game built yet. Even after the cleanup I’m doing, the code will need a lot more. There are way too few unittests, and I’m sure some of the older code is just plain old wrong. However, the foundation is there, I feel it’s very strong and flexible. It is very possible to build a game on top of what exists now. In fact, that’s the main requirement for this release since the next one includes content.

Speaking of things I need to do to prepare for a release… I know some people who read this maintain a publicly available Trac instance. What’s the best way to keep the spam off? Even when I was running mine on port 8080, I was getting enough spam tickets that I had to set it to require a login in order to modify tickets / pages / etc. I’d prefer if people could post tickets without asking me for a login because the less hurdles in the way of people reporting bugs, the better. I’m also considering sending to Does that sound like a good idea?

Finally, once I get it up, I’d love to have some people hammer on the login server. It’s got a standard web interface (thanks to Nevow) so people can create accounts or change their passwords. More details to come soon.

February 12, 2008

Authentication is hard.

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 2:24 am

So, pointed out some holes in my authentication scheme. Apparently authenticating two untrusted entities via a third trusted entity is tough. Also, PB doesn’t support what I was trying to do anyway. Here’s try #2:

A = Account server. This guy actually holds the account details like passwords
L = Login server. Could be the same as A
C = Client. The one who wants to make the connection. Could be a server really.
S = Server. The one who the connection is being made to.

  1. C logs in to L
  2. C calls L.createPasswords(unique id)
    1. L calls A.createPasswords(username, unique id) returns two random passwords, a login password and a server password. Both encrypted with a key that C knows. The passwords are attached (via the unique id) to username’s account.
  3. C calls S.login(username + “:” + unique id, login password) this is over PB, so it’s challenge response, etc.
    1. P logs in to L
    2. P calls L.getPasswords(username, unique id)..
      1. L calls P.getPasswords(username, unique id) this returns the two passwords (encrypted with a key P knows).
    3. P checks the login password against what C gave it and grants access if it matches
  4. C calls P.challenge(random data)
  5. P returns a md5 digest of the challenge plus the server password
  6. C verifies the server password against the one the login server gave it


  • Connection between L and A is secure.
  • L and A are intended to both be servers run by me/MV3D.
  • L and A are separate servers since L is a publicly accessible server, so it shouldn’t have account details on it.
  • Communication between any server and L is under SSL.

Holes: If either C or P’s login user+password is compromised, they can be impersonated.

X Logs in to L

  1. X calls L.challenge() which returns random data that is recorded in X’s session on L
  2. X AES encrypts time, username using the md5 of the challenge and username’s password
  3. X calls L.authenticateSession(username, AES encrypted data)
    1. L calls A.authenticateSession(username, the random data, the AES encrypted data)
    2. A validates the encrypted data and returns non confidential account info to L plus AES encrypted original time, A’s server name
  4. L returns the encrypted data from authenticateSession back to X

Apologies if this makes no sense, or if it’s completely dumb. It’s late, and I should really be asleep and not trying to solve authentication problems.

January 27, 2008

More work for me!

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 5:03 pm

I keep making these tickets to do what I think will be fairly straight forward things, and then once I start getting into them, I realize that it’d be better to do a whole lot of refactoring and cleanup. The little ticket suddenly becomes a multi-week or multi-month project. I’m stuck on one of those now, actually.

I wanted to just go in and de-couple sub-servers from their names. Previously, you had a Server, and you could give it sub-servers that would handle things like accounts, assets, simulation, etc. There were a couple of problems with how that worked. First off, it ended up that in order to run the most simple MV3D server, you basically needed one of each. Secondly, there really wasn’t any way to use them as plugins. You couldn’t have an alternate implementation of an account server that you threw in. They all also heavily relied on the main server object. So, I thought I’d see about making them pluggable and less reliant on the main server. Sounds good, right?

As I got into it, I noticed that the implementation was pretty horrible and would need major changes (it was probably the oldest code in MV3D). One thing that I’ve been thinking about is reducing the reliance MV3D has on PB and allowing the possibility for it to speak other protocols. The main push behind this was the authentication scheme I mentioned in the last post. I was also seeing that the Client class had 90% of the same code as the Server class. The Client has notions of sub clients, which some of directly map to sub servers.

From all this came the Conductor. His job is to manage a set of services and keep them in sync. I still didn’t think this would be a huge thing to do. Just some search and replace and stuff. The problem came when I wanted to change the hard coded sub server names into something you could specify in a config file. See, things like the asset sub server always use the name “Asset Server.” I decided this was pretty silly and that you should be able to name them in case you wanted to have a couple types of asset services around. The main problem there is that when one service wants to talk to another, it used to be able to just look for a specific named service attached to the main server. Can’t do that any more. It all has to be in the config file. Not so bad. Then I started looking at how things get remote connections. The main server class handled that through a connection manager object. The purpose of the connection manager was to make sure that you didn’t open up a new connection every time you needed something. In many cases, you’ll already have an open PB connection and can just make use of it.

Only it was again some of the original MV3D code and is fairly badly implemented. I was also thinking about how multiple open network ports (speaking different protocols) would work. It wouldn’t, basically. So the connection manager had to go (it was dumb anyway). Everywhere in MV3D that tries to open a new PB connection is just looking to talk to a specific sub server (now called service). It would indeed be cool to be able to have some sort of service locater that basically pointed to a specific service on a specific box and included information about the protocol to use.

So, now, I’ve rearranged everything so that what was the connection manager split into two: a client and a server. The server side is now just another service you can add into the conductor. The client side follows an interface that can be used for other protocols as well as PB (connection manager only understood PB). So, now, you just tell the conductor to get you a service and give it the location like conductor.getService(”pb://”). It’s pretty cool, and maybe 1000-2000 less lines. You can even specify local services as “self/auth”.

Unfortunately, now, I have to go through everywhere that used to open a new connection and change how it works. Nothing like making extra work for myself! However, I’m happy with this change, and I think it does a lot to make the inner workings of MV3D more flexible and easy to work with. That’s one of the big things I want to work on before releasing the code.

January 23, 2008

Respect my authorization!

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 12:27 am

A little while back, I noticed that the way logging in was handled on MV3D servers was rather terrible in the security department. It wasn’t completely horrible given the network design it was built for. Originally, MV3D was going to be only run on servers I controlled, so trusting the servers with a lot of things was more or less ok. However, now, the plan is that anyone can run a server and connect it in to the MV3D network. That means I suddenly can’t trust servers any more.

The initial way it worked was that you’d connect to a random server, give it your username and password and then it would either validate it locally, or fetch your account data from an Account Server (including password) and then validate. Clearly, that doesn’t even come close to cutting it any more. My next idea (and the ticket that got me started thinking about this) was to connect to a random server, give it your username and password, and have it send that to an Account Server. You may see that there’s a slight problem there, too. If you can’t trust the server you’re giving your username and password to, then what?

Try 3 is to send your username and password to an Account Server and get back an authorization token. You can then pass those tokens to servers you want to log in to. Those servers contact the Account Server to check the token and either boot you or let you in depending on what it says. That’s a lot better, but there are still some holes in it. Say, someone is running a server and wants to break in to accounts. All they’d have to do is keep working auth tokens and use them to log in to the person’s account.

Now what? I was thinking I could add some information into the auth token such as IP address, but, uh, that’s pretty easy to fake, and the evil server is going to know that info. My most recent idea is to add a login server into the mix that would be a trusted server and would proxy back to an account server to check passwords. The login server would have to be a trusted server. In fact, clients (which in this case could be other servers) should speak to it in SSL and require the user to validate certificates of new servers or something. That would leave it in the user’s (or server admin’s) hands to know if they could trust a login server. Possibly more ideas on this later. Just a quick note about who uses the Login Server. When one server talks to another, it needs to authenticate, and therefore should use the Login Server. Clients of course also need to use it. For simplicity, I’ll just refer to users of the Login Server as clients.

A client would contact a Login Server before contacting anything else and send over its username and a message containing some info about the server it wants to log in to encrypted with its password. The Login Server hands back an authentication token that basically consists of the username, the server info the client sent in, a timestamp, and some random data encrypted with a temporary encryption key that only the Login Server knows. The client can then disconnect from the Login Server.

The client then connects to the desired server and sends that authentication token to it (no username). The server connects to a Login Server and passes on the authentication token and the server’s info. The Login Server decrypts the token and verifies the data including making sure the date is recent enough. If everything matches up, the Login Server passes back the least amount of user info required for the server to do its thing. The temporary encryption key is then forgotten. The user is allowed access to the server.

Sounds pretty convoluted. Maybe I should just use kerberos or something. But either way, can anyone poke holes in my method? It is fairly similar to kerberos in some ways.

January 14, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 11:55 am

.. that’s what my wife keeps calling me for obsessing about the Wiimote. One of the big things I wanted to do with the wiimote is be able to estimate its position/rotation when it can’t see the IR LEDs. It isn’t possible to do this very accurately, but I was able to put together a program that does this. You can even use it with the nunchuk. It can’t figure out yaw at all due to there being no gravity in that direction to affect the accelerometers. The most important part of it is calibrating the sensors. I made a 6 direction calibration routine (since I’ve found that not only do I have to scale the measurements, but also gravity is oddly different depending on if the wiimote is facing up or down. So, you point the remote in different directions and it calculates the calibration. It is still a bit wiggly, and the position deteriorates fairly quickly, but I feel like it’s enough to get an idea. With the nunchuck, I’ll have to make it gravitate towards the center or something. There are also some more things I can do to make it more stable such as determining and then integrating the angular velocity. Basically, in order to know the linear acceleration, you need to know the orientation of the controller so you can remove the force of gravity from the readings. In order to know the orientation, you need to know the linear acceleration so you can remove it before calculating the direction of gravity. So, that’s basically the problem. You can’t know one without knowing the other.

If you make some assumptions, you can get semi-accurate data. That’s all I’m currently doing. I assume that when the reading on the accelerometers is close to 1g, you aren’t accelerating. The software then figures out the orientation of the wiimote and uses that for future linear acceleration readings. I suspect I can do some more accuracy by using other similar tricks or by using the jerk* to determine the expected next linear acceleration and assuming major differences from that are orientation changes or something like that.

Anyway, my test program uses pygame, which I’d never really used before. I started using it on the webcam IR tracking since the original version used it. It seems pretty useful for visualizing 2d things. But for 3d, it was Python-Ogre time.

I started a test app for actually using the wiimote in a 3d environment. Basically, there are a bunch of blocks laying around, and you have one that you control with the wiimote. You can use it to push the other blocks around or even pick them up and throw them. However, I find stacking them to be a fun challenge. There is force feedback involved, so when your virtual hand touches something, the wiimote vibrates. All in all, it’s a pretty good interface. I may want to add some more smoothing to the wiimote position because it can be a little tricky to hold it still. By the way, the camera in the wiimote seems to be 1024×768, and it tracks the dots at about 30fps I think. That makes things very responsive. I do wish that they had put a wide angle lens on it though. That would have been really nice. As it is, the FOV is fairly narrow, which lessens the coolness of the good resolution.

The next test was to add head tracking into the mix (previously, the camera was rather stationary). I decided to use FreeTrack to do that since there is an odd bug in the software I wrote that causes roll to not be calculated correctly. FreeTrack pretends to be TrackIR, which GlovePIE captures and then sends via OSC to my test app.

In my previous head tracking app, it assumed you had VR goggles. I don’t actually have those, so it’s fairly useless for it to work that way. One thing that is cool about Johnny Lee’s implementation was that it made it look like your monitor was a window. The Ogre guys have been trying to figure out exactly how to do this and I tried their code in my old head tracking app. It didn’t work very well. However, by messing with it a bit, I was able to get it to work fairly well for me. It’s still not quite as convincing as Johnny Lee’s version, but pretty close.

So now, I have a little app where you can use the wiimote like a virtual hand, move around via the joystick on the nunchuk, and finally using the head tracking on a stationary monitor. Pretty cool.

My main reason for doing all this is to come up with a good interface for MV3D’s in game editor that uses these techniques. Granted, there will have to be a fallback for pretty much everyone else since they won’t have a similar setup. I’m still trying to figure out what I can use the movement/orientation of the nunchuk for.

I’m vaguely thinking that two more wiimotes would be good. One to take the place of the IR camera since the wiimote’s IR camera is so much better. The other would be for a second hand. The only problem is that it’s nice to have the analog joystick from the nunchuk.

* jerk: Not just some annoying person any more.

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