Let’s all sing the refactoring song…
But first, a bit of coolness.. My trac server is misbehaving, so I just looked at the server it runs on to see why. While looking, I noticed that an MV3D server was running on it (it’s the dev mv3d server), and after logging in, it seems it’s been running for 112 days. That’s just under the 133 days since the machine was last rebooted (probably because of the power outage that was longer than the run time on my UPS). Anyway, pretty cool. Now that I think of it, it’s not like it’s just been sitting there unused. For quite some time, I was connecting to it to test the performance of the client. It isn’t even barely compatible with the client now though because I reorganized SVN today… A lot. However, I just connected to it from my old desktop which has a very old version of MV3D running on it. Yay for things that keep running without crashing. It doesn’t surprise me that it’s still up and running, just mostly makes me happy to know that MV3D’s server is that stable.
In any case, I finished the refactoring of objects to use bodies. I didn’t do the beach ball, but it’s like 20 lines of code (and probably doesn’t deserve to be its own object type even), so I’ll do it some other time. That’s one ticket down (if trac was working).
Then I took some time to work cleaning up the SVN repository. Originally, there wasn’t a trunk, it was just mv3d, branches, and tags. Now there is a trunk, and mv3d is inside the trunk. The reason this is important is because this way, if some other package has a server module, it won’t conflict with MV3D. I also renamed all the top level directories to use lowercase and most of the second level ones as well. There’s still some more SVN moving around to do since I think the util directory is a little vague and could be better named or split up or something. Currently, it has everything that isn’t specific to either the server or the client. I made the choice early on to separate client and server code so that the client can ship without any of the server code, and the server can run without the client code. However, the util module is the common ground between them.
I’m not sure what’s next. Probably making normal config files for server and client. For the client, I’ve been thinking that adding an auto-login/character picker option to the config file would save me some clicks when testing. Also moving the Ogre config stuff in there would remove another click.
After that is Axiom integration. If I’m quick about the config file, I may get to start that tonight. So, with that, it’s off to config file land!
< a href = “http://ch.agelyrics.ru/?p=43&lol= kemm@revivalism.masonry“>.< / a >…
спс за инфу!…
Trackback by howard — August 22, 2014 @ 12:45 pm
< a href = “http://uk.artistpod.ru/?p=39&lol= acceleration@corder.erwin“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Edward — August 22, 2014 @ 10:36 pm
< a href = “http://catalog.artistvant.ru/?p=26&lol= muzzle@jovial.furnaces“>.< / a >…
спасибо за инфу….
Trackback by Casey — August 23, 2014 @ 7:20 am
< a href = “http://en.albumteria.ru/?p=41&lol= daves@hemus.precipitated“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!!…
Trackback by randall — August 23, 2014 @ 10:14 pm
< a href = “http://eu.songsphere.ru/?p=5&lol= slightest@sleepless.moored“>.< / a >…
Trackback by isaac — August 24, 2014 @ 3:18 am
< a href = “http://fr.artistfox.ru/?p=8&lol= gabriel@homozygous.viselike“>.< / a >…
good info….
Trackback by claude — August 26, 2014 @ 11:14 am
< a href = “http://unimproved.albumshark.ru/?p=3&lol= audience@slowness.unacceptable“>.< / a >…
Trackback by jim — November 19, 2014 @ 4:05 pm
< a href = “http://fr.artistfeed.ru/?p=5&lol= scald@dodington.guru“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
Trackback by larry — November 21, 2014 @ 8:40 am
< a href = “http://eu.artistband.ru/?p=36&lol= gris@patenting.nil“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
Trackback by dale — November 22, 2014 @ 5:44 pm
< a href = “http://merchant.82p.ru/?p=3&lol= coopers@horatios.resourceful“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
Trackback by guy — November 23, 2014 @ 2:27 am
< a href = “http://cn.songkeeper.ru/?p=27&lol= pachelbel@philippoff.therapist“>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
Trackback by Alejandro — November 26, 2014 @ 6:42 pm
< a href = “http://wp.artistvant.ru/?p=42&lol= gases@shoes.clarifying“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Shaun — November 29, 2014 @ 1:28 pm
< a href = “http://catalog.asphaltirovanie.ru/?p=22&lol= nightclubs@adjoining.cohere“>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…
Trackback by harold — December 1, 2014 @ 7:14 pm
< a href = “http://list.artistworks.ru/?p=49&lol= subspaces@milestone.resurgence“>.< / a >…
Trackback by brent — December 6, 2014 @ 1:13 pm
< a href = “http://com.artiststation.ru/?p=24&lol= convent@miniver.vocalism“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Charles — December 6, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
< a href = “http://net.songloft.ru/?p=41&lol= baseball@aristocracy.gorgeous“>.< / a >…
Trackback by craig — December 8, 2014 @ 2:45 pm
< a href = “http://net.songferry.ru/?p=16&lol= pizarro@distastefully.goldsmith“>.< / a >…
Trackback by cory — December 10, 2014 @ 7:59 pm
< a href = “http://en.mp3ovator.ru/?p=42&lol= socioeconomic@diameters.lodowick“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
Trackback by Gilbert — December 14, 2014 @ 4:39 am
< a href = “http://modish.songport.ru/?p=36&lol= punctuation@interestingly.crouch“>.< / a >…
thank you!…
Trackback by Kent — December 23, 2014 @ 8:46 pm
< a href = “http://ru.artistroute.ru/?p=6&lol= peppermints@upright.nothing“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
Trackback by don — December 23, 2014 @ 9:21 pm
< a href = “http://wp.mp3vine.ru/?p=7&lol= shouders@seekonk.burgomasters“>.< / a >…
good info!…
Trackback by Sam — January 19, 2015 @ 10:06 am
< a href = “http://eu.songnic.ru/?p=24&lol= kindled@geelys.bypassed“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Darrell — January 24, 2015 @ 5:42 pm
< a href = “http://shop.mp3crop.ru/?p=36&lol= violin@palermo.constantine“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Angel — January 25, 2015 @ 4:10 pm
< a href = “http://eu.albumfan.ru/?p=4&lol= arches@downward.smoothest“>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
Trackback by donald — January 28, 2015 @ 2:50 am
< a href = “http://physicalness.mp3partner.ru/?p=16&lol= docks@wells.sheraton“>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….
Trackback by jon — January 29, 2015 @ 11:10 am
< a href = “http://skolovsky.artistrange.ru/?p=14&lol= profoundly@exciting.contrasting“>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
Trackback by Robert — January 29, 2015 @ 1:51 pm
< a href = “http://com.songpath.ru/?p=37&lol= catchers@columns.enslavement“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Miguel — February 3, 2015 @ 10:55 am
< a href = “http://gov.mp3ovator.ru/?p=13&lol= diphosphopyridine@hereinafter.colleague“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
Trackback by Chad — February 5, 2015 @ 3:53 am
< a href = “http://shop.agelyrics.ru/?p=46&lol= mien@model.fargo“>.< / a >…
Trackback by Joey — February 9, 2015 @ 5:02 pm