So.. I suck at making 3d models. I also suck at rigging them for animation. I was lucky enough to find a free model for NWN2 that someone named Zylch000 was nice enough to create and put up for download. I spent quite some time hooking it up to a skeleton and making a walk and idle animation. Then spent quite a lot more time fixing them so they imported correctly into Ogre.. Then spent even more time redesigning the current player object so that it can accommodate more than one mesh (the body, head, and hair are separate– which is cool cause I have a bunch of heads and hair models). But finally, I got everything working:

Yay for me. Please.. anyone out there know anyone who can make 3d models of people and rig them? If you notice, she has “zombie hands” (at least, that’s how they look to me) and the shoulders are way back. Also, when she walks, her hair doesn’t move the same way as the head. UGH! Well, one problem I found in getting the body/head/hair meshes to all use the same skeleton was that the Ogre exporter plugin only exports the bones that are attached to the mesh it is exporting. So for the head, it only exported the head and neck bones. Ugh. And the bones are numbered in the Ogre file starting at 1. So I had to go in and edit the Ogre XML file and re-map all the bones for the hair and head models. FUN!
I guess the good thing is that I can fix the animations and stuff all I want and I shouldn’t ever have to change the model files.
Another thing I did recently was add players names above their heads. This makes use of my image compositor which converts images between Ogre, CEGUI, and PIL without saving them to disk. (ctypes ftw!) Here’s a happy fun shot of that:

And I talked about the beach ball before. It doesn’t make a sound yet, but only cause I’m lazy. Sound and music is now working in the client. Nothing uses it yet though. I also mentioned the beach ball floats on water. Here’s a shot of that:

This was just before or after I jumped on top of the beach ball. It wasn’t as hard as you’d think it’d be since physically speaking, the player has a downward pointing ray instead of legs. And it doesn’t care if the object below it is rotating currently (that will have to change). But when you jump on the ball and it’s in the water, it bobs nicely just like you would expect it to (fake bouyancy rules).
Next up… Well, I’m going to make a minor change to moving/rotating objects in the editor that was suggested to me a while ago by one of the guys at DivMod. Then I think it’s off to make a terrain editor.
I’ve been thinking about indoor scenes for a while now, too. After terrain editing, that may be next. I have some ideas on how to quickly build buildings and stuff.
One final thing that’s bugging me is persistence. Currently, it basically pickles the world to a database. This is pretty slow and happens async, so if the world is dynamic (i.e. players are moving around), then it could be stored in an inconsistent state very easily. Persistence in MV3D is a little odd because the whole foundation of the game is built to avoid having to reload from disk. There is forced redundancy at every level of the game infrastructure with the idea that whenever a server goes down for maintenance, another server will take over for it seamlessly (this is more than an idea at this point, it’s already working
). However, during development, it would be handy to be able to keep a persistent world going even though I don’t have the hardware for redundant servers. Plus, it’d also be nice to have something to fall back on if the primary and all secondary servers for a section of the game world ever explode at the same time. Anyway, I’m actually leaning towards using pickled files on local storage. Yes, I know. That sounds pretty dumb. But consider the requirement that there are currently 10 or so types of game objects. Each one has completely different data to store, and the game is structured in such a way that more object types can be added without restarting the server or anything. Unless there is something I’m missing, that doesn’t translate well to a database.
Anyway, enough ranting. Back to work!