MV3D Development Blog

August 26, 2006

Do you have a robot army?

Filed under: Uncategorized — SirGolan @ 8:44 pm

.. Cause I do.


My robot army obeys the laws of gravity and falls into the black abyss below it. Pretty cool. It’s supposed to do that at this point, and that’s really all it does. The good news is that the robots exist on the server, and the client only gets to view a few things about them (what they look like, their names, and where they are). The server was having a ball keeping up with it though for some reason. You’d think the client that was rendering hundreds of 3D images per second would suck up the CPU. I’d think that too. But we’re both wrong, so there!

After much pain and a lot of digging through Other People’s Code, I also have finally gotten Asyncronous Database Saving/loading working. Turned out the problem I’d been having all week was that threads don’t work when they are run from the code that gets executed when you import a module. Yeah, I don’t understand what that means either. Oh yeah, MySQL 5 doesn’t work with Python.

I’m sure everyone is wondering what happend to my computer. I pulled the OS hard drive (which had Linux and Windows) and reinstalled Windows then Linux on a spare one. Works pretty good now, though I have some Video work to do which means I need to reinstall all my video software. :)
The next step (after the required video work) will be to give the robots a ground to fall on and see why the server was going so slow. I may also look into Psyco since that could help speed up the server. After they have a ground, I should look into figuring out how to set realm-wide things on the client– like gravity. Oh and the client should get some notion of physics as well. At some point, I need to learn how to sense when someone hits ESC when running the client cause right now, you need to Alt+Tab and then Ctrl+C.

Just a quick note. USPS lost two of the videos I sent out from the last job I did. WTF?


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